Talking Headless Ep. 18 w/Elissa Houchin Seweryniak & Dean Landsman
This is going to be a classic. I KNOW that. First, I chat with Elissa Houchin Seweryniak, jefe of ServiceNow analyst relations on what an AR team has to do when it comes to the company changing its messaging or addressing new markets etc. THEN, we get both old timey and contemporary with me chatting with Dean Landsman, long time radio analyst/consultant and broadcaster/radio DJ. Where has radio been, is it now and where is it going in a world of interactive/integrated media? YESSSSS!!!
Talking Headless, brought to you by PPN, is hosted by CRM "Godfather" (the industry's name for him not his). Paul Greenberg. Talking Headless is aimed at the business technology world. Paul - and guests at times - will cover not only news and tell stories w/universal lessons but will let you know what he thinks of companies, industries & people - and why, provide you w/how-to playbooks and finally thumbs up or down on trends in the industry. Plus, there is a lot of very cool music.

This is going to be a classic. I KNOW that. First, I chat with Elissa Houchin Seweryniak, jefe of ServiceNow analyst relations on what an AR team has to do when it comes to the company changing its messaging or addressing new markets etc. THEN, we get both old timey and contemporary with me chatting with Dean Landsman, long time radio analyst/consultant and broadcaster/radio DJ. Where has radio been, is it now and where is it going in a world of interactive/integrated media? YESSSSS!!!

This may be the most awesome Talking Headless EVER!! Michael Maoz & Ed Thompson, two of the customer-facing industry's former superstar, god-like analysts are now at Salesforce in the role of...well, I'll let them tell you. But trust me, they are still superstars. I love these guys. They are going to be both on the Analyst Relations side of the show and the Analyst side of the show. I don't want to use the time for anything else this week. This one should rock. Learn what's its like for an analyst to be "on the other side" aka the vendor side in part one and in part two learn what they are thinking about the current movement in the industry and where they see it going. Fun and insight. Best combination possible.

The first episode with a (I think for now final) new format. Join Paul Greenberg, Godfather of CRM and his guests Sandy Lo, who as perhaps the #1 industry professional will speak to us about Analyst Relations & Corporate Communications in 2024; and Steve Gillmor, Rock, Video, Comedy and Social pioneer who will chat with us on the state of the media and what the market and trends look like.

Analyst Alan Berkson and I speak about the current state of the enterprise/business tech market and also the art of storytelling and corporate narratives. And you get to see the cat on the outro.

No question we live in a chaotic era. What's it like to be an industry analyst who is trying to figure out not only the state of the markets they analyze but the direction of the world they live in. Paul speaks with esteemed industry analyst Vinnie Mirchandani about that. And also of course what Vinnie likes and dislikes. #industryanalyst #leadership #thoughtleadershp #CRM #CX #Enterprise Tech #Vinnie Mirchandani

Robin is an icon. She has been one of the most accomplished and well liked analyst relations professionals in the entire business tech industry and now has her own firm Schaffer AR to help AR people/programs do it right when it comes to dealing with us testy analysts. She also is author of a book "Analysts on Analyst Relations: Practical Secrets for Winning Big" that gets to the heart of what the analysts are thinking and want and what you need to do to help but not go overboard. Simply the best! Oh, and be ready to find out "What (She) Really...#analystrelations #AR #analysts

My first guest EVER on Talking Headless! Scott Nelson is a 24-year #Gartner veteran who runs the #CRM, #CX, #ERP and #AI practices at Gartner. Can you imagine what it must take to do that? Well, why imagine when you can hear it straight from Scott. And of course we will have Something I Really...but with a twist.

There is no question that #Microsoft is on a roll when it comes to AI. And that Business Applications are not a big part of the company's revenue stream. However, does that mean that Microsoft is underplaying business apps? Should they? Are they? That and #AI from Paul Greenberg aka me on #TalkingHeadless (a #PPN production).

As always, I pontificate about a company in this case ServiceNow and where they are, and do they still deserve the designation of the World's Largest Unicorn? No disrespect intending to the real fantasy animal. And of course "Something I Really" continues its successful run on the stream. #ServiceNow, #CX#ServiceOps

Salesforce has been the 800 lb gorilla (1200 lb more so) in the Business Tech world for a long time. They got hit earlier this year and now that the AI EVOLUTION (note I did not call it a Revolution) is fully underway, the question arises: Are they ready for the future...which is pretty much the present. I (Paul Greenberg, for those of you who can't see beyond the headless body) will let you know...agree with him or not. And of course, I'll let you know something I really...Like and something I really...Dislike. #Salesforce#GenAI#Culture#EnterpriseTech#trust

In this episode, the venerable (if you can believe Brent Leary) Paul Greenberg speaks to why Adobe may be very well positioned to be THE market leader in the new world of enterprise content creation & distribution but there are things... AND of course, he likes and dislikes things. Wow. What a revelation? Ahhh, but its WHAT he likes and dislikes you might want to hear.
CORRECTIONS: Its Adobe Journey Optimizer, not Journey Builder AND Figma is in the process of being acquired by Adobe but the acquisition isn't closed yet, just to be clear.

Talking Headless is back!! And its different though pretty cool I think. A 30 minute hard core industry analyst livestream that focuses on a single company each episode for 25 minutes and then spends 5 minutes with a second segment "Something I Really Like & Something I Really Dislike". Ep. 7 (Relaunch) begins with "Zoho - Think You Know What it Is? Think Again" The Like, Dislike, you'll just have to wait.

Talking Headless, brought to you by Playaz Productions Network (PPN), is hosted by CRM "Godfather" (the industry's name for him not his. His is "CRM Grandfather" because he's OLD) Paul Greenberg.
Episode 5
What's Goin' On? -ChatGPT is just taking the world by artificial storm. But the question is hype and no substance, substance not hyped or we'll see? Let's see.
Takin' It To The Wire - A profile of CRM Watchlist 2022 Winner Anaplan, the 2022 surprise winner and newcomer and what they have to do to continue their impact for the next 3 years.
The People's Playbook - For more than 20 years, TWENTY YEARS, the most pressing questions when it comes to CRM are adoption and how to make it more effective than it often has been. And in fact what is it. I'm covering the first two not the what is in this. Want to be more effective, be easy, convenient and pretty. Yeah. All of them.
Intro and Outro - Rollin' by wonderful musical artist and animal welfare champion Maria Daines. (You can hear her amazing songs and contribute to help support animal welfare here)
What's Goin' On? - Magnetic Funk by Lynne Music
Takin' It to the Wire - To the Wire by Jzac
The People's Playbook - I've Been Thinkin' by Dimitrix
This has been a Playaz Productions Network Digital Broadcast by Anand Thaker
A PPN Digital Broadcast

Talking Headless, brought to you by Playaz Productions Network (PPN), is hosted by CRM "Godfather" (the industry's name for him not his. His is "CRM Grandfather" because he's OLD) Paul Greenberg.Episode 4What's Goin' On? -Let's just say its eclectic. Twitter & Musk (ugghhh), hearing aids (mine), Capital One (my bank but general lessons and ugghhh), and most important, the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2022. Here's a link to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2022 so you can follow along:' It To The Wire - A profile of CRM Watchlist 2022 Winner Adobe and what they have to do to continue their impact for the next 3 years. The People's Playbook - It was bound to happen. I'm taking the five steps you should consider taking when it comes to a hybrid world and the audio/video gear you need to survive. Okay, not survive but have a good or even excellent experience online with your peers, customers, and random groups of almost-strangers. Here's the link to the iconic sound and light guy I mentioned in the segment, Curtis Judd: and Outro - Rollin' by wonderful musical artist and animal welfare champion Maria Daines. (You can hear her amazing songs and contribute to help support animal welfare here)What's Goin' On? - Magnetic Funk by Lynne MusicTakin' It to the Wire - To the Wire by JzacThe People's Playbook - I've Been Thinkin' by Dimitrix
Voiceovers:This has been a Playaz Productions Network Digital Broadcast by Anand Thaker
A PPN Digital Broadcast

What's Goin' On? - CRM is Dead was a cry sent out multiple times over the years. Now its morphed to "CRM is so old school, CX" Well, kiddies, CRM is thriving and the revenues make the point. CRM haters bore me.
Takin' It To The Wire - A profile of CRM Watchlist 2022 Winner w/Distinction Salesforce and what they have to do to continue their impact for the next 3 years.
The People's Playbook -This week why should you care about convenience, keeping the ordinary, ordinary, and a new/old concept of mine - the margin of utility - and of course, how to do it...more or less.
Intro and Outro - Rollin' by wonderful musical artist and animal welfare champion Maria Daines. (You can hear her amazing songs and contribute to help support animal welfare here)
What's Goin' On? - Magnetic Funk by Lynne MusicTakin' It to the Wire -
To the Wire by JzacThe People's Playbook -
I've Been Thinkin' by Dimitrix
This has been a Playaz Productions Network Digital Broadcast by Anand Thaker

@Playaz Productions Network Presents Talking Headless Episode 1. Industry analyst Paul Greenberg...talks. This episode hear a story about ransomware, NAS suppliers and CX, why Oracle won a CRM Watchlist Winner w/Distinction and why and how you can think about and do thought leadership. Indeed.

Talking Headless audio podcast w/Paul Greenberg, "Godfather of CRM" on Zoho, influencers, MX and sundry other things.